Reading Time: 3 minutes

Thanks for considering contributing to the Femedtech Open Space (more details at our home page), created to support a session at OER19 from Lorna Campbell, Frances Bell, Maren Deepwell and Sheila MacNeill. By joining us at this early stage, you have the opportunity not only to contribute your lovely ideas for others to read and see, but also to help us shape this Open Space to be a place that supports the development of Femedtech, and satisfies the needs of participants.  You can find out more about Femedtech and its values, our Code of Conduct and give us feedback on any of these pages via comments.  It might be good to start by looking at others’ Published Writings or check out the category for a specific question at the Published Writings sub-menus.

Now let’s cut to the chase: what can you contribute and how? We have provided some questions to inspire your contributions , and these appear as categories for your post

  • How do we balance privacy, openness and personal ethics?
  • How do we mediate our place in the open community, aspects of which might conflict with our personal ethics?
  • In what ways can openness be an act of conformance or defiance?
  • If there a performative aspect to openness, what does it achieve and how?
  • Do we feel pressured to be more open than we are comfortable with, or do our boundaries constrain us?
  • How do we manage sustainable spaces for exploring challenging issues around open?

We love all media and writing


John Hain Pixabay Licence

Defiance Pixabay by John Hain

So if you’re willing to fly blind you can head off to Write Now or stick around and read the rest if you like detailed instructions.

You’ll need a catchy Title and to decide whether you want to be attributed by your name / Twitter handle or to be anonymous.  Your writing will be moderated .

Please note the very good advice given about good ways to prepare your writing, adding media, particularly the link to editing tips.

Writing area

Writing area

Good advice about giving credit and attribution for images and other content.

Credits in footer and header

Credits in footer and header

Choosing appropriate categor(y)ies and tagging will help your writing be found in Published Writings by potential readers. Providing an email address will enable you to edit your writing after publication.

Finally you can leave a message for the editors who will moderate your writings and choose a license.

Now you’re ready to save a draft, preview and edit if necessary. If you’re happy, then publish and, once it’s moderated, it will be open to all to read.

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