As far as this is possible, in an open network, we want to create inclusive spaces to gather and speak. This will be an ongoing challenge. We expect that rules and norms of behaviour will emerge and be recorded here, for example the Code of Conduct that will guide the moderation of writings and comments. We ask only that you join us respectfully and with goodwill.
Our name, femedtech (feminist education technology), aligns us with a critical perspective on education/technology. We want to be alive to the specific ways that technology and education are gendered, and to how injustices and inequalities play out in these spaces (which are also industries, corporations, and institutions). We also want to celebrate and extend the opportunities offered by education in/and/with technology – to women, and to all people who might otherwise be disadvantaged or excluded.
Though the initial conversations that led to the creation of the femedtech network took place during a social gathering of western women working in education technology, it has always been the intention of femedtech to be open and welcoming to colleagues of all nationalities, races, ethnicities, sexualities and genders. This network belongs to all those who participate in it. We actively seek out like minded networks organised by similar values and principles and we strive to align with and work alongside them. We bring our energies to their work, and we try to acknowledge and support their work through femedtech. We want to actively include and listen to people who are marginalised in different ways in the spaces and contexts of education (formal and informal) and technology, and we acknowledge the power imbalances that exist in those spaces.
We welcome comments and feedback on our Values from all members of the femedtech community. In early 2019, Helen Beetham and Frances Bell facilitated a Values activity, which you can find out about in our Archive.
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