Let’s give a face or a voice or both to #Femedtech community! What connects you to the growing #femedtech community? Why is it important to you? Please share it with us by clicking the link further below or by posting a reflection in a medium of your choice (check the section Other Options).
Flipgrid Instructions
Flipgrid is a social media tool that can be used to connect and communicate with others online using asynchronous video. A video wall or “Grid” can be created and others can be invited to add and record video comments and responses, and even reply to others’ videos. We have created a video Grid for members of the femedtech community to connect and share the significance that this community holds for them. It will be interesting to see what is generated here and through this means of online communication!
You can access the #FemEdTech Grid on this page. To add your video to the Grid, just click on the green + sign and follow the prompts. You will first be asked to authenticate by linking to a Microsoft or Google account. If you do not have either of these, the Google option will allow you to create a new Google account. Then you will be guided through the simple steps to record your video and take a thumbnail photo that will accompany your video. You can review your video before you save and post it, so “do-overs” are allowed. Please note that videos are limited to 3 minutes only. It does not matter how long or short your video is, but you will need to stay within the 3 minute limit.
In your video, please share:
What connects you to the #femedtech community? Why is it important to you?
Be sure to check back to see the videos that are added and watch them to learn a little bit about others who have contributed their thoughts and ideas.
Other Options
You may not wish to use Flipgrid for this connection. In that case, simply share a link to a video (for example, this could be an unlisted YouTube video), an audio file, or a comment in this shared document or post a longer reflection here so that we can add your contribution to the curation.
Video Wall
Link to #FemEdTech Connections
Provide Feedback