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Note: This is an archive page of the former home page at the time was launched in March 2019 in conjunction with the OER19 session #femedtech Open Space. Some of the text has been reused on the current home page.

If this is your first visit please read about the Open Space before going to write , more detailed explanation on how to is here. You might also like to read others published writing for inspiration.

This OER19 Open Space, facilitated by the  femedtech network, provides an inclusive space to explore themes and conversations that have emerged from previous OER Conferences around equality, diversity and inclusion. 

Our aim is to question dominant narratives of “open”, explore whose voices are included and whose are excluded from our open spaces and open practices, whose voices we choose to amplify and whose are silenced. Everyone is welcome to participate by writing, sharing and commenting.

We invite you to consider the following questions: 

      • How do we balance privacy, openness and personal ethics?
      • How do we mediate our place in the open community, aspects of which might conflict with our personal ethics?
      • In what ways can openness be an act of conformance or defiance?
      • If there a performative aspect to openness, what does it achieve and how?
      • Do we feel pressured to be more open than we are comfortable with, or do our boundaries constrain us?
      • How do we manage sustainable spaces for exploring challenging issues around open? 

and to answer them by contributing at the Writings menu (writings can be text, images, videos, GIFS, whatever you like) to our Open Space.

We welcome all perspectives and encourage participants to raise their own questions and tell their own stories.  We acknowledge that our understanding of openness is highly personal and contextualised, and appreciate that there is no standard definition of openness to which we must comply.  

In order to ensure that the femedtech Open Space is equitable, accessible and inclusive, participants can contribute to this site anonymously if they choose.   All contributions to the Open Space are moderated before they are published.  Please review our Conduct statement before contributing to the discussions.

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The #femedtech Open Space was created by @lornamcampbell and @francesbell and is generously hosted by Reclaim Hosting.  Reclaim Hosting provides educators and institutions with an easy way to offer their students domains and web hosting that they own and control.

This site uses the TRU Writer SPLOT WordPress theme developed by Alan Levine.  You can install it on any hosted WordPress site using a theme available on GitHub. If you have a domain on Reclaim Hosting you can install a preconfigured version of TRU Writer with just one click.