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Stitching has been one of the latest skills that I have acquired. From where I come from, it is not expected to be a male human and have the ability to stitch. I must say that I am still no expert; I mainly sew to repair my own cloth.

By serendipity, at OER23, I had the opportunity to use my stitching skill. Organized under the banner of “Guerilla EdTech,” I shared a table, scissors, needles, thread, googly eyes, and recycled clothes with an inspiring combo. By stitching my leaf, I experienced how stitching materials are a powerful edtech. Yarns, needles, and scissors became the cutting-edge technology edtech innovators constantly seek. Environmentally friendly, these learning technologies allow you to be creative while engaging in community building. As a novice researcher (1st year Ph.D. student and newcomer to Scotland), this activity (and the whole OER conference) was a transformative learning experience that led to the understanding of the value of the academic community in a new way.

This community, symbolically represented by many leaves, engages not only in the academic inquiry but also in a constant dialogue about hopeful futures for education. It is inspiring to be a member of this community, where shared values and warm-and-caring spaces welcome discussions, imaginations, and actions for a more open educational future.

And by stitching the leaf, I was also stitching these words into my mind: resisting, community, and care.

Clothe leaf. It has a lower inside pocket. The cloth is a mix of blue jean recycled cloth and cloth that has a space-themed pattern.